Painting Series



People’s faces I find endlessly interesting, especially the “caught off guard” moments, if you’re lucky enough to catch them.
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Still Lifes

Still Lifes

Painted over the last 15 years once I started gardening and fell in love with flowers.

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Concourse of Animals

Concourse of Animals

I first got the idea from a 17th century Iranian painting called the concourse of birds. The animals and birds painted for this show where all on the endangered list. I wanted them safe, so I pulled them into the garden.

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Notes When Walking the Dog

Notes When Walking the Dog

These 9″x12″ canvas board oil paintings were made after I finished walking my dog. During each walk I noticed yet another compelling color or shadow on the beautiful houses here in New Orleans.
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Doors, Windows and Houses

Doors, Windows and Houses

I have always been attracted to doors and windows and their shadows. These architectural elements I feel are barriers to the secrets people create.
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Gardens are fascinating to me; I see them as elaborate “living” paintings, like animated nature.
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War in Heaven

War in Heaven

This 36 foot mural, when all 12 paintings are put together, is about kicking the devil into hell. It was a project done over a period of two years.

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Porch Series

Porch Series

This series was done a while back, when I was living in Coconut Grove, Florida. These oil paintings are views from our family's porch and inside the house as well.

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